2023's Year-End Gift is helping Christ Community and international partners develop leaders around the world.


At Christ Community Church, we’ve become convinced of our call to be a proactive part of the answer to the prayer for more workers. It is true that we ALL have been empowered by the Spirit and commissioned by our Lord to be workers in the harvest. It is also true that some people have been called to make it their full-time work. As it says in 1 Corinthians 12: different gifts, same Spirit, different service, same Lord. This is the reason for our newly created residency and internship programs.


What this year-end gift can do here at home.


Christ Community Internship and Residency Programs have been carefully crafted to develop emerging leaders who feel called to vocational church ministry.

Our programs are for:
1) Young people who are exploring and considering vocational ministry. Our internships are designed to be exploratory and developmental and meet the criteria of most internship requirements at high schools and colleges.
2) People who have completed a college degree in a ministry related field and are looking for their first full-time ministry experience in a place that values their development as future church leaders.
3) Young Adults/Adults who currently work in the marketplace and feel called to make the transition to vocational church ministry.

Christ Community’s internship experience is a short-term development program designed to offer hands-on practical experience, personal mentoring, and coaching for people of all ages discerning a call to vocational ministry. Internships can fulfill a college requirement or simply be for personal enrichment. Regardless of your motivation, our goal is to invest in you by providing opportunities to serve alongside staff in one of the ministry departments of Christ Community.

▶ As short as three months or as long as a year.
▶ Unpaid position- hrs per week varies
▶ Provides special access to mentors, meetings and experiences.

RESIDENCY TRACK 1 BASICS: Recent college grad
Are you a recent college grad with a degree in a ministry related field? Looking to gain hands-on ministry experience in a culture that values your development? Considering working on a graduate degree? Our 1-year or 2-year residency program might be for you. Consider this your “first full time ministry role” where you can both make a difference and gain confidence in ministry.

▶ 1-year or 2-year options
▶ FT paid position w/ medical benefits*
▶ Mentoring, ministry experience
▶ 2-year program includes an MA in Ministry Leadership through our partnership with Judson University

RESIDENCY TRACK 2 BASICS: Leaving marketplace to pursue vocational ministry
If you currently work in the marketplace and are sensing a call into full-time ministry, this residency program will give you the hands-on experience, formal education, and intentional mentoring to pursue your calling. 1 or 2 year residency options are available. We will also provide opportunities for accredited coursework at one of our partner schools.

▶ 1-year or 2-year options
▶ FT or PT paid position w/ medical benefits*
▶ Mentoring, ministry experience, formal education options
▶ Coaching and financial assistance may be available to help with the jump from marketplace to ministry.

Ministry Mentors
Every intern and resident is assigned a Ministry Mentor. Ministry Mentors are current CCC staff that will function as the individual's supervisor and coach for the duration of the program. Mentors are assigned based on the ministry focus area chosen.

Ministry Focus Areas
▶ Areas of ministry for residency & internship include:
▶ Students
▶ Children
▶ Campus Pastor
▶ Discipleship (aka- Adult Ministries or Spiritual Formation)
▶ Worship
▶ Creative Arts (production, worship service, and event planning)
▶ Outreach (Community Impact/International Impact)
▶ Communications and Marketing

Residency Areas of Development:
▶ Residency covers seven elements of church leadership development in three phases.
▶ Ministry Experience
▶ Leadership Coaching
▶ Personal Development
▶ Theological Training
▶ Evangelistic Growth
▶ Church Organization/Culture
▶ Evaluations/Feedback

Phase 1:
Orientation phase - learning behind-the-scenes nuts and bolts of ministry and working on a church staff. During this phase, the resident coach ensures that the resident becomes a functioning member of the church staff and their ministry team. This includes onboarding training in all systems, shadowing members of the team, weekly one-on-one mentoring meetings, etc.

Phase 2:
Maturation Phase - actively serving on a ministry team (out front, leading, shepherding, developing others. Leadership assignment is given in line with gifting and passion areas and ministry needs. Learning to lead through volunteers. Development coaching in areas that need personal development.

Phase 3:
Completion Phase - handoff, delegate, looking forward to what’s next. During this phase, the resident will begin to completely delegate their responsibilities to volunteer leaders that they have trained. They will start working on their resume and job search skills with the goal of securing a vocational ministry role. One-on-one coaching continues with the residency mentor.

Internship Areas of Development
Internship covers four elements of church leadership development in one phase.

1. Ministry Experience
▶ Assisting in the planning and execution of specific ministry programs/projects
▶ Attending Staff Meetings

2. Theological Development
▶ Participating in monthly theological and evangelism training
▶ Participation in prayer meetings

3. Leadership Development
▶ Working alongside staff team
▶ Learning how to work with a develop others

4. Personal Development
▶ Engaging in a mentoring relationship with a Ministry Mentor
▶ Taking evaluative tests; understanding key strengths
▶ Reading assignments with feedback and discussion


All six Christ Community international partners are making passionate disciples of Jesus Christ. Like Christ Community, they need to develop the children’s workers, youth pastors, worship leaders, and pastors for tomorrow! The reality of persecution means that these international ministries have to be more intentional in developing strong leaders, passionate disciples willing to risk it all. This Year-End Gift will help them do that in a variety of ways. See below for how our gift will make passionate leaders in our partner countries.


▶College Leadership Training - Preparing students (approx. 173) to enter the marketplace as Christian leaders.

▶Church Planting Leadership Conferences - Gathering house church network leaders (approx. 600+) for training, encouragement, and collaboration.

Sierra Leone
▶ Eric Hanson Education Center's Discipleship and Leadership Training Programs - Support emerging leaders (approx. 25) in mentoring, discipling, and applying Biblical leadership principles.

▶ Mega Fest 2024 - Support speakers and leaders attending the biennial conference that provides mentorship, encouragement, and discipling for the top church leaders.

▶Two-year Evangelism Training Program for Missionaries - Program targets individuals from river villages, to be trained and return to the villages to support the church and community.
▶ Reaching Unreached People Groups along the Amazon River - Training, coaching and discipling of Indigenous Leaders working on outreach to unreached people.

▶ Pacific Bible Institute - Three-year pastor training teaching lay leaders and pastors, supporting the 32 church plants, and equipping future church leaders.

▶ Ministry Leadership Development and Mentorship - Staff leadership training, team building/mentorship, peer consultation, and mentorship/exchange.

▶ Open Door Bible Seminary - Four-year pastor training for emerging pastors to support and/or launch new church plants in the country. Open Door Bible Seminary will graduate about 12 students per year with biblical knowledge and leadership training.

Czech Republic
▶ Youth Church Communities with Missional Calling - Double the number of youth church communities with a missional culture by 2026. Today, there are around 200 evangelical churches with youth ministries, yet only about 25 have this kind of culture.

▶ 2025 International Church Planting Conference - Support for international conference in 2025 to gather and raise up the next generation of church leaders in Eastern Europe. Funds will provide for speakers, scholarships, and accessibility to training for approx. 100 young leaders.


Check out stories and details of what God is doing through global leadership development. Check back for new stories & videos!


John Luke Momo shares the important role that leadership development plays for New Harvest Ministries.


In the video above, John Luke shared about the building that will be a "hub for leadership in Sierra Leone." In November, a Christ Community Go Team got to witness the dedication of this building as the Eric Hanson Training Center, named for former Christ Community International Impact Pastor Eric Hanson.


My name is Suborno Mistry, and I come from a family that struggled with extreme poverty. My father worked as a rickshaw van puller, and my mother was a housewife. With limited income, providing for a family of four was a constant challenge. There were times when we had to go without proper meals and lacked basic necessities like warm clothes for the winter.

Despite our financial hardships, my parents always encouraged me to study and dream of a better future. They tried their best to get me into a school but faced difficulties due to our financial situation. Then, we got God’s blessings when I got the chance to stay at the Christian Service Society's (CSS) Home of Blessings. CSS has been bringing hope to the disadvantaged and underprivileged through humanitarian aid, relief, and ongoing programs and services. The “Home of Blessings” became a place of growth and happiness for me. I made friends, participated in various activities, and focused on my studies. With the blessings of God and the kindness of my sponsoring parents, I thrived physically, mentally, and spiritually there. Later, in 2011, I was shifted to the CBE (Community-Based Education) program and returned to my family. Thanks to CSS, I received nutritious food, tuition fees, medical support, school attire, and other essentials staying at my own home.

My spiritual life also blossomed at HoB, where I learned to read the Holy Bible, pray, and participate in various religious and cultural events. Later in the community, I have been connected to the local Church. These experiences help me transform in many ways.

With continuous support from CSS through the Leadership Training Program (LTP), I am currently studying in the seventh semester of the Diploma in Electronics department. My dream is to become an engineer and support my family. I hope to work with underprivileged children in the future, helping them find their place in society.

I am forever grateful to CSS and my sponsor for bringing me this far in life. Without their support, I may have remained illiterate and trapped in poverty. I extend my deepest respect and gratitude to them for making my life possible.


The beautiful campus of Open Door Bible Seminary (ODBS) is located in Bois de Lance, Haiti, and is a four-year accredited Bible College through the Haitian Government. Students who successfully complete the program receive a Bachelor's of Biblical Theology Degree.

ODBS was a dream of Christ Community partner Pastor Wiljean's for many years, and that dream has now become a reality. Already, dozens of students have graduated and are now either pastoring or serving as an Associate Pastor in one of our Open Door Haiti Church plants. In fact, of our 30+ churches across Haiti, all of our pastors are now either a graduate or a student at ODBS. Under the leadership of President Wiljean Compere, Vice President Wil Jerry Compere and our Academic Dean of Student's Dr. Jean Alix Pierre, and a host of gifted Professors, Teachers and Administrative Staff, ODBS has grown from a small School of Youth Ministry (SOYM) into a Bible Seminary that is equipping and training Pastors and leaders to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Haiti.

The students of ODBS are not only taught biblical doctrine and theology, but they are also given practical ministry skills as well as mentoring in leadership development.


In the eastern Czech Republic, the church is growing as a result of the war in Ukraine. Having left everything behind, refugees are finding a new home and the Gospel thanks to our partners in the Czech Republic. The first year of planting Ukrainian refugee churches in Central Europe is now behind Czech Partner Josiah's Venture (JV). Now, the M4 Connect team supports and helps 15 new churches. It also trains and supports 10 leaders so their home groups can grow into regular churches. One church in Vsetin has become a “mega-church” under Czech standards over the last couple years. New leaders are needed in all capacities to continue to meet the spiritual needs of these displaced people. Part of the 2023 year-end gift is to partner with JV and M4 for a conference in 2025 to raise up new church planting leaders in Eastern Europe.

In this new growth, there has been a story of gratitude and encouragement: An ordinary man named Oleh planted a church in cooperation with the local Czech church a year and a half ago. The worker became a leader and this church plant grew into a church attended by 200 refugees. Oleh and his team are going to plant a second Ukrainian church in November. They want to see a new Ukrainian church in a nearby university town where 5,000 refugees live. It is incredible how God can use ordinary people to serve for the salvation of many. Thank you, God, for turning darkness into light!


In Nicaragua, Christ Community partner CCM focuses on meeting the physical needs of those who live in the very poor rural barrios (ghettos), as well as doing evangelism, planting churches, discipling attenders, and raising local leaders for those churches. CCM has also founded Pacific Bible Institute, a Bible College to train lay leaders and pastors. Students meet one night a week for three years; they currently have approximately 20+ students in the program. CCM has planted 32 churches in the barrios near the cities of Managua and Leon, Nicaragua. In these barrios, people generally live on $2 per day, with 80 percent unemployment.


This House Church Movement (HCM) has seen incredible growth since its inception in 2006. In the fall of 2011, a vision of a 5x5x5 network (555) was implemented. This simply means that one person baptizes 5 people who each also baptize 5 people, who in turn baptize 5. That group is then considered one “555 network,” equaling 125 people. Typically, the first 5 people who surrender to Christ will establish a House Church (HC), most likely comprising a family unit or tight group of people.


The CTM (Missionary Training Center) is the foundation of a missiological study lasting two years. It is located in the Tarumã Açu region (rural region of Manaus) and contains the following subjects in its curriculum: theology, missiology, mechanics classes, finance, general maintenance, field training, and horticulture notions, among
other activities. CTM has accommodation for single men, single women, and couples with their children.