Aurora Campus

Sunday 9:10 & 11:10am
Spanish Translation Available: 9:10am; See the information Counter

Address: 40W098 Galena Blvd. Aurora, IL 60506

DeKalb Campus

Saturday 5:10pm
Sunday 9:10 & 11:10am
Spanish Translation Available at both Sunday services; See the information Counter

Address: 2350 Pride Ave. DeKalb IL. 60115 (Across from DeKalb High School)

Huntley Campus

Sundays at 10am
Spanish Translation Available; See the information Counter

Address: 10547 Faiths Way, Huntley, IL 60142

St. Charles/South Elgin Campus

Saturday 5pm
Sunday 9 & 11am
Spanish Translation Available: Sundays at 9am; See the information Counter

Address: 820 Randall Rd, South Elgin, IL 60177

Streamwood Campus

Sundays at 10am
Spanish Translation Available; See the information Counter

Address: 23 W. Streamwood Blvd. Streamwood, IL 60107

Watch Live Services

Saturday 5 & 8pm
Sunday 9am, 11am, & 8pm

Traducción del Sermón en Vivo al Español

Christ Community Church ofrece traducción al español del sermón en cada campus. Horarios de servicio con traducción: St Charles/South Elgin (domingo 9 a. m.), Aurora (9:10 a. m. y 11:10 a. m.), DeKalb (domingo 9:10 a. m. y 11:10 a. m.), Huntley (10 a. m.) y Streamwood (10 a. m.). ¡En el campus de St. Charles/South Elgin también puedes escuchar en tu teléfono! Descarga la aplicación "Escucha en todas partes". Asegúrate de estar en el wifi “ccclife-guest”. Es posible que deba presionar “Venue Scan” la primera vez para encontrar el servicio. Presiona play.

Christ Community Church offers Spanish translation of the sermon at each campus. Service times with translation: St Charles/South Elgin (Sunday 9am), Aurora (9:10 & 11:10am), DeKalb (Sunday 9:10 & 11:10am), Huntley (10am), and Streamwood (10am). On the St. Charles/South Elgin campus you can listen on your phone too! Download the "Listen Everywhere" app. Make sure you are on the “ccclife-guest” wifi. You may need to press “Venue Scan” the first time to find the service. Press play.