DeKalb Campus Students


At the DeKalb Campus, we gather our students together during the school year on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8pm. Doors open at 6pm. There is no pre-registration required. Students are assigned to a consistent community group their first night where they will be with the same small group of kids organized by age & gender, and the same leaders each week. Friends and new students are always welcome. Most weeks consist of time to simply hang out, teaching and worship, community group discussions, games and snacks.

While 6th-12th grades are all in the building at the same time for these gatherings, we actually run 2 different programs that all happen concurrently with the students separated by age group. One gathering is for 6th-8th graders. The second is for 9th-12th grades.


Middle School Students in grades 6-8 are invited to REMIX during the 9:10am service. Remix is designed to be a developmentally appropriate weekend experience just for middle school students. Similar to what happens in the auditorium, we gather for bible teaching, but we throw in a lot more games than they do in the auditorium! No need to register. Middle school students attend the worship portion of service in the Auditorium and then will be dismissed to REMIX in the Hub.


Every summer, middle and high school students head to Silver Birch Ranch in Wisconsin. This is a fun and important week that can accomplish a tremendous amount of spiritual and relational growth in the lives of students who participate.

2025 Dates
High School: June 16 - June 21
Middle School: June 27 - July 2

Registration is open through May 3, 2025, or until camp sells out.


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Refuge Cell Phone Policy

In an effort to help students engage most fully with God, Scripture and the peers and leaders in the room with them, we have put the following guidelines in place for our Refuge environment.

📱Cell phones should be put away during the following times: worship, teaching and small group discussions.
📱We will discourage the use of digital Bibles and note taking. Students should bring a hard copy NIV Bible and paper for notetaking. We are happy to help students buy their own hard copy Bible if necessary and we certainly have Bibles available to use at Refuge.
📱Cell phones can be used during the hang out time. However, we encourage students to value communication and engagement with the leaders and other students present over their cell phone use.