Taking Care of the Innocent

Taking Care of the Innocent

January 27, 2021

We have been talking about thinking right about what’s going wrong in regards to the sanctity of human life. This is the fourth and final part of “Thinking Right about What’s Going Wrong.”

Number Four – commit to personally rescuing the innocent where and whenever you can!

Am I and the church doing all we can to rescue the innocent? Thinking about the lessons from the Good Samaritan…

Are we…

  1. taking action?
  2. sacrificing of our various resources?
  3. taking risks?
  4. seeing every single born and unborn person as our neighbor?
So, how can we rescue the innocent? 

The below points come from John Ensor’s book, Answering the Call (I highly recommend this book!):

  1. We can no longer passively accept death (the mistake the Church has made); we cannot be silent and accept the innocent blood of others.  You can be doctrinally or ethically pro-life but if you never act pro-life, then are you really pro-life?  The story of the Good Samaritan demonstrates this well.  In that story, the priest and Levite most likely did not approve of the beating of the Good Samaritan, but they also did nothing about it.  It was the Good Samaritan who saw death coming and stepped in and did something!
  2. Commit to personally rescuing the innocent where and whenever you can…just like the Good Samaritan!  That’s a caution I have for each of us as January is soon coming to an end…and we will soon turn our attention to other things. So…

Get involved in Pro-Life:

-Crisis pregnancy centers like Waterleaf, TLC, The Caring Network, and We Care Pregnancy Clinic. 

Educate yourselves and others:

-Watch a video series on www.liveaction.org or go to IL Right to Life website.

Get involved in politics/activism:

-As individual Christ-followers learn how to get involved by visiting the IL Right to Life Website or the Equal Rights Institute Website.

Proclaim the gospel:

-That is the only hope we have!


-Lift your requests to God!

Like the Good Samaritan, we must be people of action…people who act, who take risks, and who sacrifice our resources. We must be a helper to the helpless.  This is indeed the way God has loved us through His Son Jesus.  The good news is that Someone came to our aid!  He helped us when we were unable to help ourselves when we were lost and separated from God. Just like the Good Samaritan, our Rescuer was despised and rejected, a man of sorrows, and well-acquainted with grief yet He saw our need and made it His own. He did not pass by.  And, we can’t either.